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    Terrorism   (p. 8)

Polls listed chronologically.



ABC News Poll. Sept. 4-7, 2003. N=1,004 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3 (total sample). Field work by TNS Intersearch.


"For each individual or group I name, please tell me what kind of job you think it's done dealing with the events of September 11th and the war on terrorism: excellent, good, not so good or poor. . . ." Each item asked of half the sample

Not So
      % % %

The people of New York City

92 3 4
The U.S. armed forces 92 6 3
The country in general 85 14 1
The Department of Homeland Security 67 26 7
Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld 67 26 7
The news media 66 33 1

The U.S. Justice Department

59 35 6

The Bush Administration

55 44 1
Attorney General John Ashcroft 54 36 10
The FBI 52 39 10
The CIA and other intelligence agencies 52 41 6


"Now for each country I name, please tell me if you think it has or has not done enough to support the U.S. campaign against terrorism. . . ." Each item asked of half the sample

Has Done
Has Not No
% % %

Great Britain

79 14 8
Pakistan 21 66 13
Germany 18 69 13
Russia 17 75 8
Saudi Arabia 17 75 8
France 10 82 8


"How concerned are you about the chance that you personally might be the victim of a terrorist attack? Does that worry you a great deal, somewhat, not too much or not at all?"

A Great
Somewhat Not Too
at All
% % % % %
9/03 10 24 34 31 -
2/03 10 23 37 28 2
9/02 7 25 35 33 -
11/01 10 25 33 31 -


Time/CNN Poll conducted by Harris Interactive. Sept. 3-4, 2003. N=1,003 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"How likely do you think it is that an act of terrorism will occur somewhere in the United States in the next 12 months: very likely, somewhat likely, not very likely or not at all likely?"

Very Somewhat Not Very Not At All Not Sure
% % % % %
9/03 23 49 18 8 2
10/02 39 44 11 3 3
8/02 29 50 14 5 2
5/02 57 33 6 3 1
1/02 33 48 14 4 1
12/01 38 43 13 3 3
11/01 52 35 7 3 3
9/27/01 40 41 14 3 2


Pew Research Center for the People & the Press survey conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates. July 14-Aug. 5, 2003. N=2,528 adults nationwide. MoE ± 2 (total sample).


"In your opinion, is the world now more dangerous, less dangerous, or about the same compared to 10 years ago?" Form 1 (N=1,284, MoE ± 3.5)

More Less Same



% % %



7-8/03 75 5 20




"Do you think the danger of attack on the United States with a nuclear, biological, or chemical weapon is greater now than it was 10 years ago, less now than it was 10 years ago, or is it about the same?" Form 2 (N=1,244, MoE ± 3.5)

Greater Less Same Unsure


% % % %


7-8/03 64 5 29 2



Newsweek Poll conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates. July 24-25, 2003. N=1,002 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"When you think about the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, do you place a lot of blame, some blame, or no blame at all on the United States intelligence agencies like the CIA and the FBI?"

A Lot Some None
At All
% % % %
7/24-25/03 19 53 23 5
9/02 24 50 24 2


FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll. June 30-July 1, 2003. N=900 registered voters nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"Do you think the federal government is issuing terror alerts responsibly or has the alert level been raised and lowered too often?"

Too Often


% % %


6-7/03 50 35 15



"Do you believe that the terror-alert system has prevented any acts of terrorism from happening?"

Yes No Not


% % %


6-7/03 48 39 13



"Do you think most people take these terror alerts seriously or do they ignore them?"

Ignore Not


% % %


6-7/03 43 49 8


2/03 48 42 10


11/02 37 50 13



CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll. May 30-June 1, 2003. N=1,019 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"Thinking about terrorism: In the next few years, do you think the United States' efforts against terrorism will or will not require the U.S. to put military troops in combat situations in other countries as it did in Iraq and Afghanistan?"

Will Will Not Unsure
% % %
5-6/03 77 17 6


FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll. March 11-12, 2003. N=900 registered voters nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"How likely do you think it is that homicide and suicide bombings, similar to those that happen in the Middle East, will start happening here in the U.S. . . . ?"

Not Very
Not At All
% % % % %
3/03 24 40 20 8 8


"Do you think the federal government is doing everything it can to prevent terrorist activity in the U.S.?"

Yes No Not


% % %


3/03 67 27 6


6/02 55 37 8



"Do you favor or oppose allowing the government to use any means necessary, including physical torture, to obtain information from prisoners that might protect the United States from terrorist attacks?"

Favor Oppose Depends


% % % %


3/03 44 42 5 9



FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll. Feb. 25-26, 2003. N=900 registered voters nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"How worried are you that future terrorist attacks might include the use of chemical or biological weapons: very worried, somewhat worried, not very worried, or not worried at all?"


Not Very
At All
% % % % %
2/03 32 40 17 9 2
2/02 32 42 14 8 4
10/01 32 35 23 8 2


ABC News/Washington Post Poll. Feb. 12-16, 2003. N=1,042 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3. Fieldwork by TNS Intersearch.


"Do you happen to have stockpiled any items in your home to have on hand in case of a terrorist attack, or not?"

Yes No
% %
2/03 24 76


FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll. Feb. 11-12, 2003. N=900 registered voters nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"Do you think the government's color-coded terror alert system is helpful or not?"

Helpful Not
  % % %
2/03 50 37 13
11/02 39 41 20


"After the terror alert level was increased last week, did you or members of your family go about day-to-day life as usual or did you make some changes in response to the alert?"
Life as
  % % %
2/03 90 9 1


"Have you or members of your family made any emergency plans, such as stocking up on food and water, or mapping an escape route, in case a terrorist attack were to take place in your area?"
Yes No Not
  % % %
2/03 24 74 2
9/02 17 83 -


"Do you think your life is in danger due to terrorism?"
Yes No Not
  % % %
2/03 34 61 5
6/02 25 68 7


CBS News/New York Times Poll. Feb. 10-12, 2003. N=747 adults nationwide. MoE ± 4.


"Since the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, the government has issued warnings about possible attacks on Americans abroad and in the United States. Do you think the warnings have been useful, or harmful or neither?"

Useful Harmful Neither Don't
% % % %
2/03 62 6 29 3
9/02 59 8 31 3


Knight Ridder poll conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates. Jan. 3-6, 2003. N=1,204 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"Bush Administration military policy calls for attacking countries or groups that threaten the United States BEFORE there have been any actual attacks against Americans or U.S. interests. Do you think this policy is a GOOD THING because preemptive strikes are needed to deal with the threats we face after September 11th, or is a BAD THING because it goes against American ideals and sets a bad example that would encourage other countries to do the same?"
Good thing 45
Bad thing 43
Don't know 12


FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll. Dec. 3-4, 2002. N=900 registered voters nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"If another terrorist attack were to happen in the United States and cause large numbers of American lives to be lost, would you favor or oppose a military retaliation on the home country of the terrorists?"
Favor Oppose Not
% % %
12/02 72 11 17


"Do you think the recently created Department of Homeland Security will make the United States safer from terrorism or will it mostly increase Washington bureaucracy?"
Make the U.S. safer 30
Mostly increase bureaucracy 39
Some of both (vol.) 13
Neither (vol.) 3
Not sure 15


"Do you approve or disapprove of the nomination of former Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge to be the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security?"
Approve Disap-
% % %
12/02 41 11 48


"Do you think the recently created independent commission to investigate how terrorists were able to strike on September 11 will come up with new information, or is everything already pretty much known?"
Will come up with new information 42
Everything pretty much known 43
Not sure 15


"Do you approve or disapprove of the selection of former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger to head the commission investigating the September 11 terrorist attacks?"
Approve Disap-
% % %
12/02 56 22 22


CBS News/New York Times Poll. Nov. 20-24, 2002. N=996 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3 (total sample).


"If Osama bin Laden is not captured or killed, then do you think the United States will have won the war in Afghanistan, or not?"
Have Won
Will Not
Have Won


% % % %


11/02 27 62 2 9


9/22-23/02 30 60 1 9


9/2-5/02 27 61 3 9


6/02 22 65 4 9


5/02 23 67 4 6


2/02 32 59 3 6



FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll. Nov. 19-20, 2002. N=900 registered voters nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"Which do you think presents more of a real danger right now: nuclear weapons or chemical and biological weapons?"

Nuclear Chemical/
    % % % %
11/02 7 64 25 4


"How well prepared do you think the U.S. government is to handle terrorist attacks using chemical or biological weapons . . . ?"

Very Some-
Not At
    % % % % %
11/02 8 43 31 10 8


"How well prepared would you say you and your family are if a chemical or biological attack were to happen in your area . . . ?"

Very Some-
Not At
    % % % % %
11/02 3 11 30 53 3


"Do you think the al Qaeda terrorist network poses more of a threat or less of a threat to the United States today than it did over a year ago, or is the threat today about the same as it was over a year ago?"

More Less Same Not
    % % % %
11/02 27 21 49 3


"A new audiotape confirms that Usama bin Laden is still alive. Does knowing bin Laden is still alive make you think additional terrorist attacks are more likely, less likely, or do you think it doesn't matter if he is alive or not?"

More Less Doesn't
    % % % %
11/02 45 1 50 4


CNN/Time Poll conducted by Harris Interactive. Nov. 13-14, 2002. N=1,006 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.1.


"Just your best guess: Do you think Osama bin Laden is alive or dead?"

Alive Dead Not
% % %
11/02 83 10 7
8/02 81 13 6
6/02 78 13 9


"As you may know, a tape was released that may be the voice of Osama bin Laden threatening the United States and its allies. Does this make you more worried that an act of terrorism will occur in the United States or doesn't it make you any more worried?"

Not More
% % %
11/02 42 56 2


CBS News/New York Times Poll. Oct. 27-31, 2002. N=1,018 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"Since the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, do you think the federal government has done all it could reasonably be expected to do to make the country safe from future terrorist attacks, or could the government have done more?"

Has Done
All It
Could Do
Have Done
% % %    
10/02 49 46 5    


ABC News Poll. Oct. 2-6, 2002. N=1,029 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3. Fieldwork by TNS Intersearch.


"Overall, do you think the U.S. military action in Afghanistan against the Taliban and al Qaeda has been successful or not successful?"

Successful Not
% % %
10/02 70 24 6


Newsweek Poll conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates. Sept. 26-27, 2002. N=1,011 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3 (total sample).


"Please tell me whether you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling each of the following specific aspects of his job. Do you approve or disapprove of the way he is handling [see below]?"
Approve Disap-
% % %
The war against terrorism overseas
9/02 70 23 7
5/02 76 20 4
2/02 86 11 3


Policies to prevent and minimize terrorism at home
9/02 73 21 6
5/02 71 23 6
2/02 82 14 4


"In creating a new Department of Homeland Security, the Bush Administration wants to remove union status from approximately 170,000 workers, in order to have greater authority to hire, fire and deploy workers. Do you approve of this proposal to remove the union status of current workers in a new Homeland Security Department, OR do you think these workers should keep their union status?"

    ALL Repub-
    % % % %
  Remove union status 23 37 13 21
  They should keep union status 65 45 80 68
  Don't know 12 18 7 11


CBS News Poll. Sept. 22-23, 2002. N=903 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"What is your impression of how the war in Afghanistan is going for the United States right now: very well, somewhat well, somewhat badly, or very badly?"

% % % % %
9/22-23/02 19 53 20 3 5
9/2-5/02 14 58 16 3 9
7/02 13 54 21 7 5
6/02 14 51 21 8 6
5/02 18 55 17 3 7
1/02 38 51 7 2 2


FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll. Sept. 8-9, 2002. N=900 registered voters nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"How well prepared do you think your local authorities are to handle a terrorist attack in your area: very well prepared, somewhat prepared, not very prepared, or not at all prepared?"

Very Well Somewhat Not Very Not at All Unsure
    % % % % %
9/02 17 41 18 13 11
7/02 16 41 20 15 8


"Which terrorist activity do you think is the biggest threat right now: chemical or biological weapons, truck or car bombs, planes being hijacked and crashed, or tactical nuclear weapons or dirty bombs?"

    9/02 10/01  
    % %    
Chemical/biological weapons 51 62
Nuclear weapons/dirty bombs 19 9
Truck or car bombs 14 14
Planes 4 5
Something else (vol.)/Not sure 12 10


ABC News Poll. Sept. 5-8, 2002. N=1,011 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3. Field work by TNS Intersearch.


"For each individual or group I name, please tell me what kind of job you think it's done dealing with the events of September 11th and the war on terrorism: excellent, good, not so good or poor. . . ."

Not So
      % % %
The U.S. armed forces 94 4 1

The people of New York City

93 5 2
The country in general 84 14 1
Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld 76 20 4
The Red Cross, United Way and other charities 76 21 3

The Bush Administration

73 26 1
The news media 68 31 1
Attorney General John Ashcroft 67 25 8

The U.S. Justice Department

65 32 4
The FBI 56 40 4
The CIA and other intelligence agencies 55 40 5
The Immigration and Naturalization Service 36 58 5


"Now for each country I name, please tell me if you think it has or has not done enough to support the U.S. campaign against terrorism. . . ."

Has Done
Has Not No
% % %

Great Britain

76 17 6
Germany 39 48 13
France 33 56 11
Russia 29 63 8
Pakistan 23 70 7
Saudi Arabia 12 81 7


"Do you think the most difficult part of the war on terrorism is over, or do you think the most difficult part is yet to come?"

Over Yet To
% % %    
9/02 16 82 3    


"For each item I name, please tell me whether you think the United States has done an excellent job on it, a good job, a not-so-good job or a poor job. . . ."

Not So
      % % %
Preventing further terrorist attacks in the United States 75 23 2


Improving U.S. intelligence-gathering and coordination 72 25 2


Reorganizing government agencies to improve anti-terrorism efforts 71 28 1


Breaking up the al Qaeda terrorist network 63 35 3


Winning the cooperation of other countries in fighting terrorism 48 51 1


CBS News/New York Times Poll. Sept. 2-5, 2002. N=937 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3 (total sample).


"When you think about the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, do you place a lot of blame, some blame, or no blame at all on the United States intelligence agencies like the CIA and the FBI?"

A Lot Some None Unsure  
% % % %
9/02 24 50 24 2


"When you think about the September 11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, do you place a lot of blame, some blame, or no blame at all on United States policies in the Middle East over the years?"

A Lot Some None Unsure
% % % %
9/02 21 54 20 5
5/02 23 50 20 7  


"In the year since September 11, do you think the federal government has done all it could reasonably be expected to do to make the country safe from future terrorist attacks, or could the government have done more?" Half sample (Form D)

Done All
It Could
Could Have
Done More
% % %
9/02 42 54 4


"Do you think the United States is adequately prepared to deal with a biological or chemical attack, or not?"

Is Prepared Is Not
% % %
9/02 21 70 9


CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll. Sept. 2-4, 2002. N=1,003 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"As you may know, shortly after the September 11th terrorist attacks, President Bush created the office of Homeland Security. Now, Bush is proposing that this office be combined with many existing government agencies to create a new cabinet-level department. Do you think Congress should or should not pass legislation to create a new cabinet-level Department of Homeland Security?"

Should Should
% % %
9/02 60 29 11
6/02 73 22 5


"Do you approve or disapprove of the way the following people are handling the war on terrorism since September 11th? How about [see below]?"

  Approve Disap-
  % % %  
George W. Bush        
9/02 75 23 2  
12/01 87 10 3  
11/01 89 8 3  
9/02 67 27 6  
11/01 77 16 7  
The American people        
9/02 86 10 4  
12/01 90 8 2  


"Which comes closer to your view? The terrorists will always find a way to launch major attacks no matter what the U.S. government does. OR, The U.S. government can eventually prevent all major attacks if it works hard enough at it."

Terrorists will always find a way 60
Government can prevent all major attacks 37
No opinion 3


"Just your best guess: Do you think there are terrorists associated with Osama bin Laden who are currently in the United States and are capable of launching a major terrorist attack against the U.S., or not?"

Are Not
% % %
9/02 88 10 2


Newsweek Poll conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates. Aug. 28-29, 2002. N=1,005 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"What do you think it will take for the United States to eliminate the threat of future acts of terrorism against this country by Osama bin Laden's organization? Will it be enough to capture or kill bin Laden, OR will it ALSO be necessary to capture or kill other top leaders in his organization, OR will removing top leaders NOT eliminate the threat because too many cells and potential leaders would remain?"

  8/02 11/01
  % %
Enough to capture or kill bin Laden 10 11
Will also be necessary to capture or kill other top leaders 27 43
Removing top leaders will not eliminate the threat 54 40
Don't know 9 6


"Now I have some questions related to the terrorist attacks that took place last September 11th. How confident are you that U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies will be able to prevent future terrorist attacks in the United States in which large numbers of Americans are killed? Are you . . . ?"

8/02 6/02
% %
Very confident 13 10
Somewhat confident 47 48
Not too confident 25 24
Not at all confident 13 16
Don't know 2 2


"In your opinion, how likely is it that more terrorist attacks will be carried out against major U.S. cities, buildings or national landmarks between now and the end of the year 2002? Is it . . . ?"

Very likely 18
Somewhat likely 48
Not too likely 24
Not at all likely 8
Don't know 2


"If there is another terrorist attack against the United States in the near future, do you think it will most likely involve [see below]?"

  8/02 6/02
  % %
Chemical or biological weapons 34 27
Conventional explosives, such as a bomb in a vehicle or on someone's person 26 33
A "dirty bomb" that spreads radioactive material 14 12
Nuclear weapons 4 3
Airliners and skyjacking 3 4
Don't know 19 21


Los Angeles Times Poll. Aug. 22-25, 2002. N=1,372 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.


“A bill was passed by the House to create a cabinet-level Department of Homeland Security. Under that bill, the new department would combine federal agencies such as the Coast Guard, Secret Service, FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency), Immigration and Naturalization Service, Customs Service and the Transportation Security Administration. Are you in favor of or opposed to combining these agencies into one department?”

Favor 59
Oppose 27
Don't know 14


“How much confidence do you have that the United States military will be able to protect the country from terrorist attacks . . . ?”

A lot 31
Some 52
Not too much 13
None at all 3
Don't know 1


"Do you think President Bush and his Administration have formulated a clear policy for dealing with the war on terrorism, or do you think the Bush Administration is reacting to events as they happen?"

Clear policy 38
Reacting 55
Don't know 7


"Do you think it is necessary to give up some civil liberties in order to make the country safe from terrorism, or do you think some of the government's proposals will go too far in restricting the public's civil liberties?"

Necessary to give up some civil liberties 49
Government will go to far 38
Don't know 13


Associated Press Poll. Aug. 2-6, 2002. N=1,001 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3. Field work by ICR.


"Would you say that as a result of the terrorist attacks last September, America has changed for the better, changed for the worse, or not really changed?"

For the better 50
For the worse 15
Not really changed 28
Don't know 7


"Have the terrorist attacks of last September 11th caused you to change any aspect of your personal life or activities in order to reduce your chances of being a victim of terrorist attacks, or not?"

Have caused changes 25
Have not caused changes 73
Don't know 2


"How likely do you think it is that there will be another terrorist attack on the United States within the next several months: very likely, somewhat likely, not very likely, or not likely at all?"

Very likely 23
Somewhat likely 40
Not very likely 19
Not likely at all 11
Don't know 7


"How concerned are you that new measures enacted to fight terrorism in this country could end up restricting our individual freedoms? Are you very concerned, somewhat concerned, not too concerned, or not concerned at all?"

Very concerned 30
Somewhat concerned 33
Not too concerned 20
Not concerned at all 15
Don't know 2


ABC News/Washington Post Poll. July 11-15, 2002. N=1,512 adults nationwide. MoE ± 2.5. Field work by TNS Intersearch.


"How much confidence do you have in the ability of the U.S. government to prevent further terrorist attacks against Americans in this country: a great deal, a good amount, only a fair amount or none at all?"


A Great
A Good
Only A
Fair Amount
At All
% % % % %
7/02 13 33 45 9 -
6/02 14 30 44 11 -
5/02 17 29 42 10 2
3/02 18 38 39 5 -
1/02 18 40 37 6 1
11/27/01 24 39 32 5 1
11/5-6/01 17 35 40 7 1
9/11/01 35 31 30 2 1
6/97 10 26 52 10 3
8/96 12 23 49 16 -
5/95 12 24 51 12 1


CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll. July 5-8, 2002. N=1,013 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"Which comes closer to your view: the U.S. accomplishments in Afghanistan will be a success even if Osama bin Laden is not captured, or the U.S. accomplishments in Afghanistan will not be a success until Osama bin Laden is captured?"
Success Not A
% % % %
7/02 38 50 8 4
1/02 44 50 4 2
11/01 41 55 2 2


CNN/Time Poll conducted by Harris Interactive. June 19-20, 2002. N=1,003 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.1 (total sample).


"Do you think the U.S. Congress should or should not pass legislation to create a new cabinet department of Homeland Security?"
Should Should
% % %  
ALL 69 23 8  
Republicans 72 22 6  
Independents 70 23 7  
Democrats 68 24 8  


"Please tell me whether you think creating a new Department of Homeland Security will or will not do each of the following. . . ."
    Will Will
    % % %
Make the U.S. more secure from future terrorist attacks 71 24 5
Make you feel more secure personally 58 37 5
Cost too much 57 35 8
Create too much bureaucracy 52 39 9
Lead to abuses of power on the part of the authorities 43 47 10


"How likely would you say it is that an act of terrorism will occur in the U.S. on the 4th of July: very likely, somewhat likely, not very likely, or not at all likely?"
Not Very
Not At
All Likely
% % % % %
6/02 13 44 27 11 5


CBS News Poll. June 18-20, 2002. N=892 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"From what you have heard or read, do you think Osama bin Laden is probably alive or probably dead?"
Alive Dead Don't
% % %
6/02 80 12 8
5/02 81 12 7
2/02 82 12 6


"Some people say that suspected terrorists should be tried in military courts with a military judge and without a unanimous jury verdict in order to preserve national security and protect jurors. Other people say this violates the U.S. Constitution, and that suspected terrorists should be tried in criminal court with a civilian judge and a unanimous jury verdict. Which would you prefer, trying suspected terrorists in a military court, or trying them in a criminal court?"

% % %
ALL 57 36 7
Republicans 66 28 6
Democrats 49 46 5
Independents 58 34 8


"If the United States has evidence that another nation is planning to use weapons against the U.S., is the U.S. justified in taking military action against that government, or not?"

Justified Not
% % %  
6/02 83 9 8  


"Do you think the President should have to get the approval of Congress in order to take military action against a nation that is planning to use weapons against the U.S., or should he be able to make that decision himself?"

% % %
ALL 49 47 4
Republicans 34 61 5
Democrats 65 32 3
Independents 45 51 4


"Do you approve or disapprove of the recent proposal to create the Department of Homeland Security, a cabinet department, which would unite a number of government agencies into one department?"

Approve Disap-
% % %  
6/02 70 15 15  


"Do you think it is a good idea or a bad idea for the government in Washington to issue warnings to the public about possible terrorist attacks, even if they don't have specific information?"

% % %
6/02 66 29 5
5/02 71 25 4
11/01 66 28 6


ABC News.com Poll. June 12-16, 2002. N=1,023 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3. Field work by TNS Intersearch.


"As it conducts the war on terrorism, do you think the United States government is doing enough to protect the rights of American citizens, or not?"
Is Doing
Is Not Doing Too Much (vol.) No
% % % %
6/02 65 30 2 3


"Do you think the Bush Administration has been overstating the level of threat the country faces from terrorism, understating it, or accurately describing it?"
Overstating the level 12    
Understating it 39    
Accurately describing it 45    
No opinion 4    


"Say an American citizen is arrested on charges of planning an al Qaeda terrorist attack in the United States. Should he be held by the U.S. military as a wartime prisoner, without being put on trial or given access to a lawyer; or should he be given access to a lawyer and put on trial in the U.S. criminal court system?"
Held by military as a wartime prisoner 54
Put on trial in criminal court system 42
No opinion 3


Asked of those who answered "Put on trial in criminal court system":
"What if the U.S. government says that would jeopardize sensitive intelligence -- should he still be put on trial, or held by the military without trial?"

Should still be put on trial 67
Should be held as a wartime prisoner 29
No opinion 4


Bloomberg News Poll conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates. June 11-16, 2002. N=1,201 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"Have you heard or read about President Bush's proposal for a cabinet-level Department of Homeland Security?"
Yes 57        
No 41        
Don't know 1        
"Do you approve or disapprove of President Bush's plan for a new department?"
Approve 57        
Disapprove 20        
Don't know 24        
"Do you think this new Department of Homeland Security would improve the nation's defense against terrorism, or would it not make any difference?"
Improve 53        
No difference 31        
Don't know 17        


NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll conducted by the polling organizations of Peter Hart (D) and Robert Teeter (R). June 8-10, 2002. N=1,008 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.1.


"How much confidence do you have in the ability of the United States' intelligence agencies to anticipate future terrorist attacks: a great deal of confidence, quite a bit, just some, or very little confidence?"
A Bit
% % % % %
6/02* 13 26 40 19 2
4/02 11 29 44 16 -
12/01 17 31 37 13 2


"Based on what you know now, do you believe that the attacks of September eleventh represented a failure of the American intelligence and security systems, or do you believe that these attacks were beyond what was reasonable to expect the American intelligence and security systems to uncover?"
Failure Beyond
What Was
% % %
6/02 45 49 6
5/02 42 50 8
9/15-16/01 47 45 8
9/12/01 41 49 10


"In dealing with the investigation AFTER September eleventh, do you feel that the Bush Administration has been open and candid on this issue, or have they been withholding information that should have been made public?"
Open With-
% % %
6/02 45 46 9
5/02 54 37 9


"In addition to the current congressional hearings into the intelligence failures of the CIA, FBI, and the Bush Administration, do you think there should be an independent investigation conducted by experts in foreign policy and security matters?"

Yes No Not
% % %
6/02 52 42 6


"As you may know, President Bush announced plans to create a new cabinet-level Department of Homeland Security. This department will consolidate many activities dealing with security matters that are currently in several different departments. Do you feel that this will make a real difference or will not make a real difference in preventing future terrorist attacks in America?"

Will Will Not Not
% % %
6/02 61 29 10


"I'm going to read you two statements about the federal government's alerts about possible terrorist attacks. Please tell me which one comes closer to your point of view. Statement A: The alerts do more good than harm because they alert people to take safety precautions. Statement B: The alerts do more harm than good because they scare people and cause them to worry about something that is out of their control."
Do more good than harm 60
Do more harm than good 32
Depends (vol.) 6
Not sure 2


* Asked of half the sample.

Earlier polling on terrorism



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