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    Sept. 11, 2001   (War on Terrorism, p. 10)




Newsweek Poll conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates. Nov. 15-16, 2001. N=1,000 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"Do you think the Bush Administration has a well thought-out plan for fighting bioterrorism and other terrorist threats at home, or not?"
Yes No Don't
% % %
11/15-16 57 33 10
11/8-9 54 38 8
11/1-2 46 46 8
10/25-26 48 43 9


"With the Taliban losing power, who do you think should be responsible for shaping a new government in Afghanistan? Should it be left to the Northern Alliance and Afghani people to figure out for themselves; should the United States step in to keep order and prevent human rights abuses; should the United Nations take this responsibility; or should some other multinational group, with strong Muslim representation, take this responsibility?"
Northern Alliance, Afghani people 22
United States 17
United Nations 40
Some other multinational group 15
Don't know 6


FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll. Nov. 14-15, 2001. N=900 registered voters nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"Do you approve or disapprove of the way the U.S. military action in Afghanistan is being conducted?"
Approve Disap-
% % %
11/14-15 87 6 7
10/31 - 11/1 82 9 9


"The Muslim world is about to celebrate major religious holidays. Do you think that the U.S. military action in Afghanistan should be suspended during the Muslim religious holidays, or not?"
Yes No Not
% % %
11/14-15 13 80 7


"Do you think it is likely that terrorist groups like bin Laden's currently have access to nuclear weapons?"
Yes No Not
% % %
11/14-15 63 23 14
9/19-20 63 23 14


CBS News Poll. Nov. 13-14, 2001. N=805 adults nationwide. MoE ± 4.


"Now that the Northern Alliance is in control of Kabul, do you think life will be better, worse, or about the same for the people of Afghanistan?"
Better 52
Worse 9
About the same 29
Don't know 10


"How much confidence do you have in the ability of the U.S. government to maintain the international alliance of countries who are supporting U.S. military efforts? Would you say you're very confident, somewhat confident, not too confident, or not at all confident the alliance will hold together?"
Very Somewhat Not Too Not at All Unsure
% % % % %
11/13-14/01 24 59 10 3 4
10/25-28/01 29 55 11 2 3
10/8/01 46 44 7 0 3


Associated Press Poll conducted by ICR. Nov. 9-13, 2001. N=1,003 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"Has the U.S. government's handling of the anthrax situation made you more confident, less confident or has it not affected your confidence in the government's ability to protect citizens from terrorist attacks?"
More confident 26
Less confident 21
Has not affected confidence 50
Don't know 3


"Do you think the recent incidents involving anthrax do or do not represent the beginning of a sustained campaign against the United States involving anthrax?"
Do 45
Do not 43
Don't know 12


"Do you think anthrax is contagious or not?"
Is 26
Is not 65
Don't know 9


Investor’s Business Daily/Christian Science Monitor poll conducted by TIPP, the polling arm of TechnoMetrica Market Intelligence. Nov. 7-11, 2001. N=920 adults nationwide.


"Now I am going to read a list of actions that the U.S. could employ in the war on terrorism. As I read each one, please tell me if you could envision a scenario in which you would support the action or not? Okay? How about [see below]? Could you envision a scenario in which you would support this action or not?"
% % %
"Assassination of a leader or leaders of another country"
60 36 4


"Government-sanctioned torture of suspects held in the U.S. or abroad"
32 66 3


"Nuclear weapons" 27 71 2


"Biological weapons or chemical weapons such as anthrax or sarin gas"
10 88 1


"If the Taliban government of Afghanistan is toppled, but Osama bin Laden and his top aides are not captured or killed, would you say we have been successful in achieving our objectives of the war on terrorism or not?"
Successful 11
Not successful 87
Not sure 3


"Some say we should reduce our reliance on Middle East oil and instead import oil from other countries even though it would cost us 7 to 10 cents more per gallon. Do you favor or oppose this approach?"
Favor 65
Oppose 28
Not sure 7


NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll conducted by the polling organizations of Peter Hart (D) and Robert Teeter (R). Nov. 9-11, 2001. N=809 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.5.


"Would you say that you totally support, mainly support, have mixed feelings about, or oppose the approach that President Bush and his Administration are taking in the war on terrorism?"
Totally Support Mainly Support Mixed Feelings Oppose
% % % %
11/9-11 61 20 16 3
10/7 79 8 10 3


"Do you think that the United States' military attacks in Afghanistan have been too strong, about right, or not strong enough?"
Too Strong About Right Not
Strong Enough
% % % %
11/9-11 5 47 41 7


"Do you think that combating terrorism is worth risking retaliation against the United States, or do you think that it is not worth risking retaliation?"
Worth Risk Not Worth Risk Unsure
% % %
11/9-11 87 9 4
10/7 89 6 5


"Do you think that a foreign terrorist group is or is not responsible for the anthrax attacks?"
Is Is Not Unsure
% % %
11/9-11 47 28 25


"Since the September eleventh attacks, would you say that you have or have not made changes when it comes to how you approach activities such as opening mail, going to a shopping mall, attending sporting events and concerts, and making travel arrangements?"
Have Have Not Unsure
% % %
11/9-11 34 65 1


"In order to improve safety for passengers on commercial airlines, do you think that the people screening passengers and luggage at airports should be federal government employees, or do you think that they should be private employees who work under federal supervision?"
Government Private Both/
Neither (vol.)
% % % %
11/9-11 43 44 9 4


The Gallup Poll. Nov. 8-11, 2001. N=493 adults nationwide. MoE ± 5.


"Do you approve or disapprove of the way the following people are handling the war on terrorism since September 11th? How about [see below]?"
Approve Disapprove Unsure
% % %
George W. Bush 89 8 3
Secretary of State Colin Powell 87 6 7
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld 80 8 12
Attorney General John Ashcroft 77 10 13
Congress 77 16 7
The United States Postal Service 77 19 4
Dick Cheney 75 11 14
The Center [sic] for Disease Control, or the CDC 71 20 9
Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge 60 14 26
The news media 43 54 3


Newsweek Poll conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates. Nov. 8-9, 2001. N=1,001 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"Next, as a read you a short list of countries, please tell me whether or not you think each country has done enough to support the United States and oppose terrorism since the attacks of September 11th. What about [see below]? Have they done enough, or have they FAILED to do enough to support the United States and oppose terrorism since September 11th?"
Enough Not
% % %
Great Britain 81 10 9
Russia 51 32 17
Pakistan 39 46 15
Israel 38 43 19
Saudi Arabia 17 64 19
The Palestinian leadership 15 67 18
Iran 10 68 22


"Which ONE of the following statements comes CLOSER to your views on whether the U.S. should make a major effort to develop new energy sources as an alternative to Middle East oil? It's worth doing to make our energy supplies less subject to the pressures of Middle East politics. It's NOT worth doing because cutbacks in U.S. oil business would weaken allied governments like Saudi Arabia and increase support for Islamic extremists in the Middle East."
Not Worth
% % %
11/8-9 73 17 10
11/1-2 64 24 12


ABC News/Washington Post Poll. Nov. 5-6, 2001. N=756 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.5. Field work by TNS Intersearch.


"Would you support or oppose sending a significant number of U.S. ground troops into Afghanistan?"

Support Oppose Unsure
% % %


71 26 3


"Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the way the federal government has been handling the anthrax situation?"

Satisfied Dissatisfied Unsure
% % %


80 19 1


Newsweek Poll conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates. Nov. 1-2, 2001. N=1,001 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"Since the September 11th terrorist attacks and recent anthrax cases, do you think life in the United States has permanently changed for the worse, has changed for the time being but will return to the way it was, or will not only return to normal but actually improve?"
Has permanently changed for the worse 17
Will return to the way it was 35
Will actually improve 42
Don't know 6


"Do you think the Bush Administration and the U.S. military have a well thought-out plan for using military force overseas to fight terrorism, or not?"
Yes No Don't
% % %
11/1-2 72 20 8
10/25-26 75 17 8
10/18-19 78 15 7


"How confident are you that national and local governments in this country are prepared to deal with a terrorist attack using chemical or biological weapons and prevent many deaths? Are you [see below]?"
Not Too
Not at All
% % % % %
11/1-2 17 42 25 14 2
10/25-26 16 48 23 10 3
10/18-19 19 48 24 7 2
10/11-12 18 38 27 14 3
9/27-28 14 37 30 16 3


FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll. Oct. 31-Nov. 1, 2001. N=900 registered voters nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"Do you approve or disapprove of the job the Bush Administration has done in responding to the anthrax attacks?"
Approve Disap-
% % %
76 12 12


"Not just counting Afghanistan, how long do you think the current war against terrorism will last: a few more weeks, a few more months, or a year or more?"
Weeks Months Year
Or More
% % % %
2 6 80 12


"Do you think the anthrax scares across the country are more likely being done by terrorists from foreign countries or homegrown terrorists from the U.S.?"
Terrorists from foreign countries 29
Homegrown terrorists 35
Could be both (vol.) 20
Not sure 16


"If terrorists use weapons of mass destruction, such as radioactivity or nuclear weapons, would you favor or oppose the U.S. using nuclear weapons in response?"
Favor 59
Oppose 25
Not sure 16


"How worried are you that you personally or a family member or friend will be exposed to bioterrorism, such as anthrax . . . ?"
Very Some-
At All
% % % % %
1/31 - 11/1 15 31 35 18 1
10/17-18 16 30 30 22 2


CBS News/New York Times Poll. Oct. 25-28, 2001. N=1,024 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3 (total sample):


"Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon?" Split Sample B (N=522)
Approve Disap-
% % %
10/25-28/01 88 8 4
10/9/01 92 4 4
10/8/01 92 5 3
9/20-23/01 90 6 4
9/13-14/01 85 7 8
9/12/01 76 9 15


"Suppose several thousand American troops lose their lives in Afghanistan -- do you think the war in Afghanistan would be worth that cost or not?"
% % %
10/25-28/01 61 27 12


"Would you say you personally are very concerned about a terrorist attack in the area where you live, or not?"
Yes No Don't
% % %
10/25-28/01 26 71 3
10/8/01 30 69 1


"Would you say you personally are very concerned about a biological or chemical attack such as anthrax in the area where you live, or not?"
Yes No Don't
% % %
10/25-28/01 28 71 1


Newsweek Poll conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates. Oct. 25-26, 2001. N=1,005 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"In releasing information to the public about anthrax and the recent anthrax cases, do you think the Bush Administration has been giving people as much reliable information as they need about the anthrax cases and the threat to public health, OR, has not been giving people enough reliable information because they really don't know themselves, OR, has not been giving people the information they need in an effort to avoid overreaction and panic?"
As much information as they need 43
Not enough information, because they don't know themselves 30
Not enough information, in an effort to avoid overreaction and panic 23
Don't know 4


"In dealing with the anthrax cases in Washington, some people feel that government officials treated postal workers unfairly by testing and treating people in congressional offices days before they began doing the same in post offices. Others feel that government officials were NOT being unfair, but simply made an honest mistake in underestimating the risks involved in handling contaminated mail. Which comes closer to your view?"
Treated postal workers unfairly 28
Made an honest mistake 65
Don't know 7


ABC News Poll. Oct. 24, 2001. N=508 adults nationwide. MoE ± 4.5. Field work by TNS Intersearch.


"How concerned are you about the chance that you personally, or a close friend or relative, might be the victim of an anthrax attack? Does that worry you a great deal, somewhat, not too much or not at all?"
A Great
Not Too
At All
% % % % %
10/24/01 17 30 32 21 1
10/15/01 26 29 29 17 -


"Apart from a friend or relative, what about the chance that you yourself might get anthrax? Does that worry you a great deal, somewhat, not too much or not at all?"
A Great
Not Too
At All
% % % % %
10/24/01 12 21 33 33 1


"How would you describe your own personal reaction to the anthrax situation? On a personal level would you say you're scared about it, concerned about it but not scared, or not concerned?"
Scared Con-
Not Con-
% % %
10/24/01 12 77 11


"Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the way government authorities have been handling the anthrax situation?"
% % %
10/24/01 78 19 3
10/15/01 85 12 3


"How confident are you in the federal government's ability to respond effectively to a large-scale biological or chemical attack in the United States: very confident, somewhat confident, not too confident or not confident at all?"
Very Some-
At All
% % % % %
10/24/01 23 52 17 6 2
10/15/01 22 50 20 6 2


"Overall, do you think the mail you receive at home is safe, or unsafe?"
Safe Unsafe No
% % %
10/24/01 92 6 2


"Since September 11th, have you or has anyone in your household [see below], or not?" If "No": "Are you seriously considering doing that, or not?"
--- No ---
Yes Consid-
% % % %
"Bought a supply of antibiotics in case of biological attack"
10/24/01 4 15 80 1
10/17-21/01 2 10 86 2


"Spoken with a doctor about anthrax or some other biological attack"
10/24/01 8 11 80 0
10/17-21/01 5 11 84 1


"Started to exercise caution in opening your mail"
10/24/01 44 17 39 1
10/17-21/01 40 16 44 1


"Gathered information about what to do in case of an anthrax or other biological attack"
10/24/01 35 18 45 2
10/17-21/01 35 15 50 1


"Started avoiding crowded places such as shopping malls because of the chance of terrorism"
10/24/01 14 11 75 -
10/17-21/01 8 12 79 1


"Tried to reduce the amount of mail you handle by asking people to send you e-mail instead"
10/24/01 7 6 86 1


CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll. Oct. 19-21, 2001. N=1,006 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3 (total sample).


"Do you favor or oppose the U.S. using ground troops in Afghanistan?"
Favor Oppose No
% % %
10/19-21 80 18 2


"How likely is it that you or someone in your family will be exposed to anthrax: very likely, somewhat likely, not too likely, or not at all likely?" Split sample (N=504, MoE ± 5)
Very Some-
At All
% % % % %
10/19-21 4 16 41 37 1


"How confident are you in the ability of the United States to respond effectively to the health threats posed by each of the following? Are you very confident, somewhat confident, not too confident, or not at all confident? How about [see below]?"
Very Some-
At All
% % % % %
"A major outbreak of anthrax"
34 43 17 5 1


"A major outbreak of smallpox"
27 39 22 10 2


"A nuclear attack"
24 34 24 16 2


"Just your best guess: Do you think members of Osama bin Laden's terrorist network are responsible for [rotate:] all of the recent incidents involving anthrax, some of them, or none of the recent incidents involving anthrax?"
All Some None No
% % % %
10/19-21 24 60 11 5


FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll. Oct. 17-18, 2001. N=900 registered voters nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"Do you approve or disapprove of the job Bush has done in responding to the terrorist attacks on September 11th?
Approve Disap-
% % %
10/17-18 89 7 4
10/3-4 86 7 7
9/19-20 88 8 4


"Do you support or oppose the U.S. military action being taken in response to the terrorist attacks?"
Support Oppose Not
% % %
ALL 89 6 5
Democrats 88 7 5
Republicans 93 3 4
Independents 86 9 5


"How many soldiers do you think the U.S. military should be prepared to lose in Afghanistan before stopping military involvement: under 100, between 100 and 1000, several thousand, or as many as it takes to stop terrorism?"
Under 100 12
100 to 1000 10
Several thousand 7
As many as it takes 44
Not sure 27


"Do you think the anthrax scares across the country are more likely to be related to the September 11 terrorist attacks and Osama bin Laden, or is it more likely these anthrax scares are the work of disgruntled people unrelated to bin Laden?"
Related to Osama bin Laden 42
Work of other disgruntled people 31
Could be both (vol.) 14
Not sure 13


ABC News/Washington Post Poll. Oct. 15, 2001. N=509 adults nationwide. MoE ± 4. Field work by TNS Intersearch.


"Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling the U.S. campaign against terrorism?"
Approve 92
Disapprove 5
No opinion 3


"There's been news lately about letters contaminated with the anthrax bacteria being distributed by mail. Is this situation something that worries you a great deal, somewhat, not too much or not at all?"
A Great
Not Too
At All
% % % % %
10/15/01 28 37 22 14 0


"How worried are you that the U.S. war on terrorism will grow into a broader war between the U.S. and its allies on one side, and Arabs and Muslims on the other side? Is that something that worries you a great deal, somewhat, not too much, or not at all?"
A Great
Not Too
At All
% % % % %
10/15/01 28 35 19 16 1
10/8-9/01 25 41 22 11 1


The Gallup Poll. Oct. 11-14, 2001. N=1,011 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"Please tell me if you have a very favorable, mostly favorable, mostly unfavorable or very unfavorable opinion of each of the following. How about [see below]?"
% % %
British Prime Minister Tony Blair 82 7 11
The people of the Islamic faith 66 27 7
Arabs 54 37 9
The people of Afghanistan 52 40 8
The ruling Taliban in Afghanistan 3 93 4
Osama bin Laden 1 97 2


"I'd like to ask you a few questions about the events that occurred on September 11th in New York City and Washington, D.C. How worried are you that you or someone in your family will become a victim of a terrorist attack: very worried, somewhat worried, not too worried, or not worried at all?"
Very Some-
At All
% % % % %
10/11-14 18 33 35 14 -
10/5-6 24 35 27 14 -
9/21-22 14 35 32 18 1
9/14-15 18 33 35 13 1


"Do you favor or oppose the United States taking direct military action in Afghanistan?"
Favor Oppose No
% % %
10/11-14 88 10 2
10/5-6 82 14 4
9/21-22 82 13 5


Pew Research Center survey conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates. Oct. 10-14, 2001. N=891 adults nationwide. MoE ± 4.


"How worried are you that there will soon be another terrorist attack in the United States? . . ."
Very Some-
At All
% % % % %
10/10-14 27 40 19 12 2
10/1-3 28 45 15 11 1


"Do you think the military should exert more control over how news organizations report about the war or do you think that most decisions about how to report about the war should be left to news organizations themselves?"
Military should exert more control 59
Leave to news organizations 28
Don't know 13


"Do you think the American news media should show videotaped speeches made by Osama bin Laden or not?" Asked Oct 12-14 only (N=490; MoE ± 5.5)
Should 40
Should not 52
Don't know 8


Newsweek Poll conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates. Oct. 11-12, 2001. N=1,004 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush has handled the situation resulting from the terrorist attacks in New York City and Washington, D.C.?"
Approve 89
Disapprove 9
Don't know 2


"In your opinion, how likely is it that more terrorist attacks will be carried out against major U.S. cities, buildings or national landmarks in the near future? Is it [see below]?"
10/11-12 9/27-28 9/21 9/13-14
% % % %
Very likely 48 33 41 43
Somewhat likely 37 46 41 39
Not too likely 8 14 11 12
Not at all likely 3 4 4 3
Don't know 4 3 3 3


"In the fight against terrorism, the United States might also consider using military force against targets in other countries. In general, would you support using military force against [see below], or not?
Yes No Don't
% % %
"Saddam Hussein and his military in Iraq"
81 15 4


"Suspected terrorist targets in other MIDDLE EASTERN countries"
79 16 5


"Suspected terrorist targets in countries OUTSIDE the Middle East, such as the Sudan and the Philippines"
71 23 6


"Would you support a covert operation to assassinate individuals overseas who give major financial support to terrorists, or not?"
Would support 59
Would not 35
Don't know 6


"Now that the United States has taken military action in Afghanistan, how worried are you, if at all, that it will lead to each of the following? How worried are you that the military action will lead to [see below]? Are you very worried, somewhat worried, not too worried, or not at all worried?"
Very Some-
At All
% % % % %
"More terrorism against U.S. citizens ABROAD"
44 39 10 6 1


"More terrorism against U.S. citizens AT HOME"
41 39 12 7 1


"A bigger war in the Middle East"
27 40 21 11 1


"Do you think the government should permit continued anti-war protests in this country under the free speech guarantees of the Constitution, OR that they should ban protests in order to support the U.S. military operation in Afghanistan?"
Permit 71
Ban 23
Don't know 6


"Thinking about the recent news stories about cases of anthrax at a newspaper company in South Florida: From what you've seen, heard, or read, do you think this was probably an act of terrorism, or not?"
10/11-12 10/12
% % %
Was an act of terrorism 46 51 41
Was not 43 38 48
Not aware of cases (vol.) 2 2 1
Don't know 9 8 10


CBS News Poll. Oct. 9, 2001. N=434 adults nationwide. MoE ± 5.


"How much confidence do you have in the ability of the U.S. government to achieve its military goals WITHOUT significant casualties among the Afghan people? Would you say you're very confident, somewhat confident, not too confident, or not at all confident?"
10/9 10/8
% %
Very confident 35 24
Somewhat confident 46 48
Not too confident 12 20
Not at all confident 3 5
Don't know 4 3


"Do you think the United States should begin fighting a ground war very soon, or should the United States continue mainly to bomb from the air for the coming weeks?"
Should begin a ground war 26
Continue to bomb from the air 55
Don't know 19


ABC News Poll. Oct. 8-9, 2001. N=1,009 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3. Field work by TNS Intersearch.


"Do you think most Arabs and Muslims around the world have a positive opinion or a negative opinion of the United States?"
Positive 36
Negative 55
No opinion 9


"How worried are you that the U.S. war on terrorism will grow into a broader war between the U.S. and its allies on one side, and Arabs and Muslims on the other side? Is that something that worries you a great deal, somewhat, not too much, or not at all?"
A great deal 25
Somewhat 41
Not too much 22
Not at all 11
No opinion 1


"Do you think the United States is doing all it reasonably can do to try to prevent this from becoming a broader war between the U.S. and its allies on one side, and Arabs and Muslims on the other side, or do you think it should do more?"
Doing all it can 69
Should do more 28
No opinion 3


"Have last month's terrorist attacks made you personally more suspicious of people who you think are of Arab descent, or not?"
Yes 38
No 60
No opinion 1


"Do you support or oppose the U.S.-led airstrikes on Afghanistan that began this week?"
Support Oppose No
% % %
10/8-9/01 92 6 1


"Would you support or oppose sending a significant number of U.S. ground troops into Afghanistan to overthrow the Taliban government?"
Support Oppose No
% % %
10/8-9/01 76 21 4
10/7/01 75 21 4


"Would you support or oppose U.S. military action against other countries that assist or shelter terrorists?"
Support Oppose No
% % %
10/8-9/01 87 10 2


"Specifically, how concerned are you about the possibility of a terrorist attack in the United States using biological or chemical weapons? Is that something that worries you a great deal, somewhat, not too much or not at all?"
A Great
Not Too
At All
% % % % %
10/8-9/01 37 43 13 7 -


"How confident are you in the federal government's ability to respond effectively to a biological or chemical attack in the United States: very confident, somewhat confident, not too confident or not confident at all?"
Very Some-
At All
% % % % %
10/8-9/01 23 51 19 6 1


"How confident are you in the ability of your local government, police and health agencies to respond effectively to a biological or chemical attack in the area where you live: very confident, somewhat confident, not too confident or not confident at all?"
Very Some-
At All
% % % % %
10/8-9/01 18 44 26 11 1


CBS News Poll. Oct. 8, 2001. N=436 adults nationwide. MoE ± 5.


"Do you think the U.S. did the right thing in starting military attacks against Afghanistan now, OR should the U.S. have attacked Afghanistan sooner, OR should the U.S. have waited longer to begin military attacks?"
Right thing starting now 60
Should have attacked sooner 21
Should have waited longer 10
Shouldn't attack (vol.) 1
Don't know 8


"How much confidence do you have in the ability of the U.S. government to achieve its military goals WITHOUT significant U.S. military casualties? Would you say you're very confident, somewhat confident, not too confident, or not at all confident?"
Very confident 28
Somewhat confident 49
Not too confident 17
Not at all confident 4
Don't know 2


"From what you know, since the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, has the government done enough to make the country more secure against another terrorist attack or has the government not done enough?"
Has done enough 54
Has not done enough 36
Don't know 10


ABC News/Washington Post Poll. Oct. 7, 2001. N=506 adults nationwide. MoE ± 4.5. Field work by TNS Intersearch.


"Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling the U.S. response to last month's terrorist attacks in New York and Washington?"
Approve 93
Disapprove 5
Don't know 3


"Today the United States led airstrikes on targets in Afghanistan, including military sites of the Taliban government and training camps of the Al Qaeda terrorist group led by Osama bin Laden. Do you support or oppose these U.S.-led airstrikes on Afghanistan?"
Support 94
Oppose 4
No opinion 2


"Do you think this will be a quick military action, or do you think it's the start of a long war?"
Quick action 12
Long war 82
No opinion 6


"Do you think the United States should have done more to find a diplomatic solution before attacking Afghanistan, or did it do enough?"
Should have done more 14
Did enough 82
No opinion 5


"What do you think should be the main goal of the United States in this military action: capturing or killing Osama bin Laden and his associates, overthrowing Afghanistan's Taliban government, or both equally?"
Capture/kill bin Laden and associates 19
Overthrow Taliban government 6
Both 71
Neither (vol.) 2
No opinion 2


"Would you support or oppose sending a significant number of U.S. ground troops into Afghanistan to capture or kill Osama bin Laden and his associates?"
Support 80
Oppose 16
No opinion 4


"Do you think today's airstrikes in Afghanistan make further terrorist attacks against the United States more likely, less likely, or won’t they make much difference?"
More likely 55
Less likely 10
Not much difference 32
No opinion 3


"What do you think creates a greater risk of further terrorism in this country: the United States taking military action against terrorists, or the United States NOT taking military action?"
Taking action 23
Not taking action 65
No difference (vol.) 9
No opinion 3


"Do you think the United States should limit its military action only to those groups or nations responsible for last month's terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, or should the United States mount a broader war against terrorist groups and the nations that support them?"
Limit action 25
Broader war 71
No opinion 3


CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll. Oct. 7, 2001. N=660 adults nationwide. MoE ± 4.


"As you may know, the United States and Great Britain launched attacks on at least three cities in Afghanistan today in retaliation for the terrorist attacks that occurred in the U.S. on September 11th. Do you approve or disapprove of the U.S. taking military action in Afghanistan today?"
Approve 90
Disapprove 5
No opinion 5


"Do you approve or disapprove of the way President Bush is handling the campaign against terrorism?"
Approve 92
Disapprove 5
No opinion 3


"Now that the United States has taken military action, do you think the fighting in Afghanistan will continue for a few weeks or less, several months, a year or two, or more than two years?"
A few weeks or less 10
Several months 34
A year or two 26
More than two years 22
No opinion 8


"Do you believe the U.S. should -- or should not -- take military action against other countries that the U.S. believes are harboring terrorists?"
Should 78
Should not 16
No opinion 6


"Looking ahead, would you favor or oppose the United States taking additional direct military action in Afghanistan if U.S. ground troops were to be used?"
Favor 77
Oppose 17
No opinion 6


"Looking ahead, would you favor or oppose the United States taking additional direct military action in Afghanistan if Afghan civilians are killed as a result of the military action?"
Favor 65
Oppose 27
No opinion 8


"How likely is it that there will be further terrorist attacks in the United States over the next several weeks: very likely, somewhat likely, not too likely, or not at all likely?"
Very likely 41
Somewhat likely 42
Not too likely 9
Not at all likely 4
No opinion 4


NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll conducted by the polling organizations of Peter Hart (D) and Robert Teeter (R). Oct. 7, 2001. N=513 adults nationwide. MoE ± 4.4.


"Do you approve or disapprove of the military action just taken in the United States' war on terrorism?"
Approve 90
Disapprove 4
Not sure 6


"Do you think that the United States' military attacks were too strong, about right, or not strong enough?"
Too strong 6
About right 53
Not strong enough 23
Not sure 18


"Which of the following do you think should be the objective of a campaign against terrorist organizations? Limiting the campaign to defeating, capturing, or killing Osama bin Laden and his terrorist network. Broadening the campaign to defeating, capturing, or killing members of major international terrorist organizations, even if they were not involved in this specific attack."
Limit to Osama bin Laden and his network 32
Broaden to international terrorist organizations 61
Neither/Other (vol.) 4
Not sure 3


"Do you think that the duration of a campaign against terrorism will be short, that is, it will last for a few months; medium, meaning that it will last one or two years; or do you think that a campaign will be long and will last for several years or longer?"
Short 7
Medium 27
Long 62
Not sure 4


"Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has harbored terrorists in the past. With this in mind, do you think that the United States should use military force and target Saddam Hussein and Iraq, or do you think that the United States should not use military force and target Saddam Hussein and Iraq?"
Should target Iraq 66
Should not 24
Not sure 10


Newsweek Poll conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates. Sept. 27-28, 2001. N=1,000 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush has handled the situation resulting from the terrorist attacks two weeks ago in New York City and Washington, D.C.?"
Approve 88
Disapprove 7
Don't know 5


"Thinking about a possible U.S. military response to the terrorist attacks on September 11th, would you favor or oppose attacking terrorist bases and the countries that allow or support them EVEN IF there is a high likelihood of civilian casualties?"
Favor 65
Oppose 24
Don't know 11


"As I describe some different kinds of military action this country might take in Afghanistan, please tell me which if any, you would support. What about [see below]?"
Yes No Don't
% % %
"Sending in commandos or special forces to attack a few targets or capture Osama Bin Laden"
90 7 3


"Bombing or missile attacks without any troops on the ground"
68 25 7


"Sending in large numbers of ground troops to cover a wide area of the country"
60 34 6


"In your opinion, how soon -- if ever -- should the United States use military force against Osama Bin Laden or others linked to the terrorist attacks of September 11th? Do you think military action should have ALREADY started, should start within the next few weeks, should start within the next six months, should take as long as is necessary to plan something that will work, OR should NOT be considered at all?"
Should have already started 18
Start within the next few weeks 10
Start within the next six months 4
Take as long as is necessary 63
Should not be considered at all 2
Don't know 3


"Since the terrorist attacks on September 11th, do you personally feel a lot less safe where you live and work, somewhat less safe, only a little less safe, or not at all less safe than you did before?"
A lot less safe 11
Somewhat less safe 20
Only a little less safe 29
Not at all less safe 39
Don't know 1


"Do you think the economic effects of the terrorist attacks are likely to bring about a long recession, only a brief recession, or are NOT likely to cause a recession?"
9/27-28 9/20-21
% %
A long recession 22 26
Only a brief recession 57 58
Not likely to cause a recession 14 10
Don't know 7 6


"I'm going to read you some things that might be done to improve security and protect against terrorism in the United States. For each one, tell me if you strongly favor it, would accept it if necessary, or think it would go too far. What about [see below]?"
Accept Too
% % % %
"More restrictions on air travel, including no curbside check-in, arrival at the airport two or more hours before a flight, and no knives, scissors or other sharp instruments allowed on the plane"
72 22 5 1


"Issuing ID cards for every citizen and legal immigrant designed to be as tamper-proof as possible"
51 29 18 2


"ID checks at all workplaces and public buildings"
50 35 14 1


"Random ID checks on the streets and highways"
26 33 40 1


"Making it easier for intelligence and law enforcement agents to monitor people's private telephone conversations and e-mail"
20 33 44 3


"Aside from putting sky marshals on planes and improved security at airports, which of the following measures, if any, do you favor to prevent future skyjacking by terrorists? Do you favor or oppose [see below]?"
Favor Oppose Don't
% % %
"Making cockpit doors on all passenger airliners stronger and more secure"
96 2 2


"Making the pilot's top priority maintaining control of his aircraft rather than passenger comfort and safety"
85 9 6


"Arming pilots on flights"
68 26 6


"Arming at least some other airline personnel on flights"
65 29 6


"Giving the military authority to shoot down passenger airliners that appear to be hijacked for terrorist purposes"
59 29 12


"How confident are you that national and local governments in this country are prepared to deal with a terrorist attack using chemical or biological weapons and prevent many deaths? Are you [see below]?"
Very confident 14
Somewhat confident 37
Not too confident 30
Not at all confident 16
Don't know 3

Earlier polling on terrorism



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